Rabbit Island Coffee

Our goal at Rabbit Island Coffee Co. is to be your favorite coffee roaster.

Our coffees are carefully selected from our direct-trade partners with you in mind. We roast it to be fresh, delicious & perfectly suited to the sophisticated Kiwi palate.

Our space is designed for you to get close to the roasting process and sample an array of coffees and brew methods. You will find us located on the picturesque Māpua Wharf, about 40 minutes drive from Nelson, New Zealand. We love what we do and happily share it with you. We hope to see you soon.

Open 7 days 10am-3pm

Bryn & Carley Lloyd - hello@rabbitislandcoffee.co.nz

p: 021 411 844

Unit 6, Shed 4, Māpua Wharf, 6 Aranui Rd, Māpua 7005